Posted in Performance Ideas, Solo Performance

Performance idea changed.

Due to the of clarity in  my previous idea, i have decided to change my idea. I am still concentrating on the idea of my not getting close to people; especially of the opposite sex. When thinking about how i could create a performance on closeness and intimacy i came to a realisation. The reason why i couldn’t get close to the opposite sex was down to my father. I have never had a good relationship with my father and his side of the family; he has always let me down and betrayed me throughout my life. I have decided to center my performance on mine and my fathers relationship, creating a confessional solo performance.


My Performance Idea

Due to the influence of Adrian Howells and his passion to explore the notion of intimacy i have decided to do a monologue, set in a park. A park is a place where you go with your parent when you were younger.. this is the place i met my father for the first time in four years.

The monologue will include a story of when my father betrayed my for the last time..

I will be using studio to to create an intimate performance space, where i will be using park benches to seat the audience and use in the performance myself.

I will be creating different characters throughout the performance to aid and animate my  monologue.




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